lunes, 26 de marzo de 2012


Literacy - Reading (Non-Fiction)
  • Report ChecklistPDF File - A handy checklist which children can complete when trying to find the features of report books.
  • Appraising Information Books PDF File - A set of questions (in PDF) which encourage children to appraise Tudor information books.
  • Research Template Word Document - A very useful template which will help children when researching for different topics. Contributed by a Canadian.
  • Persuasive Blurbs Word Document - A worksheet for children to record their observations after examining the back of (fiction and non-fiction) books, and reading the 'blurb'. Contributed by Sue Powell.
  • Newspaper Activities - A number of activities using newspapers.
  • Quotes - Use phrases and quotes each day, and ask children to make up their own!
  • Fact or Opinion Smart Notebook file - Ask your pupils to decide if these sentences are facts or opinions and drag them to the correct side of the Smartboard.
  • What's in the News? - Encourage your children to be aware of current events using this interactive activity.